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Vice President of MEDEF received at HyChem

The focus on activities carried out by the industrial group A4F, both in the chemical and biotechnological areas, was highlighted by the Portuguese Business Confederation (CIP), which identified HyChem’s profile as the best match for the topics of interest of its French counterpart during this visit to Portugal.

The agenda—a mixed program of working meetings and field visits—included the evaluation of the impact of European legislation, which is often complex and restrictive of business freedom, as well as European initiatives related to the hydrogen and chemical markets. This is why the director-general of APQuímica also joined the discussions.

Issues related to competitiveness, energy costs, and the acceleration of regulatory processes were on the table, with discussions covering European support programs for innovation and the legislative frameworks that, by creating barriers to research and its market application, contrast with the economic contexts of the U.S. and China.